Sorry for the absence, but life's a bit crazy at the moment. (I know all 6 of you have been holding your breath, and yes that includes you Mom.) Top Dawg is swamped at work, I've been traveling a lot, and Bird has been skiing, alot. After this weekend look for more consistant posts. Also you can look forward to the Browns Draft Report, which was the first post on this site almost a year ago. I know that Bird and Top Dawg are beginning their preliminary work on it as I write!
Glad to hear about Romeo, and it sounds like Tucker will be a pretty good D Coordinator. Interesting scuttlebut about how Grantham over played his hand as the heir apparent to a crumbling Crennel, and then got sent packing. I hope we sign J Lew to a 3 year deal, use his last two good years, and then eitehr cut him or pepper him in here and there much like the Steelers used Bettis late in his carreer. Looks like the Anderson signing has
hit a bit of a snag. I'd like to see both Brady and Anderson on the roster next year, but have serious doubts as to how that could work. Oh well. Gotta love the off-season! Apparently there's a game being played this weekend...
Another interesting thought Bird sent me a bit ago which he found on ESPN Page 2:

"Here's what you should do this week if someone tries to argue that after SB XLII the Patriots will be the greatest pro football dynasty of all time: Hold up your hand, make a look like someone just tipped over garbage, and then bark these two words: Cleveland Browns.From 1946 to 1955 the Browns played in 10 STRAIGHT league championship games, winning seven (four in the All-America Football Conference and three NFL titles in 1950, 1954 and 1955.) During this decade of dominance Cleveland was guided by visionary Hall of Fame coach Paul Brown, who invented, among other things, the playbook and the West Coast Offense, and led on the field by legendary HOF quarterback Otto Graham (who went 114-20-4 during this amazing 10-year run.) So, yeah, congrats to the Patriots Dynasty. Now you only need to reach nine more Super Bowls. In a row."
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