Well at least now I know what to expect, which is nothing. Boy, for a minute there I had some hope for this season, and it took all of 20 minutes for the Browns to stab that hope to death with a butter knife. Well it's good and dead now!
I wrote about 8-8 being our Super Bowl last week, and now I'm not sure if that's even realistic. .500 and this Browns team my pass like two strangers in the night.
The only think I'm excited about tomorrow is to see how badly we are prepared for this game. How many asinine coaching decisions Romeo will make. I can't get over the fact that the talent has improved, but we are continually useless on the field. On Cleveland.com they were predicting the Browns losing to the Bengals (they must be clairvoyant!). But my problem is that they were also thinking the Browns were going to score...now that's just plain crazy talk. We'll score 10 points or less this week, Quinn will start next week, and we'll be on our way to ruining another QB! Joy! Well at least we've got the guy who LOST the QB competition starting for us!
But the Browns fan in me, is secretly hoping this phrase is true: "You're never quite as bad as you look, and you're never quite as good as you look." Let's just hope the Browns aren't as bad as they looked last week...